Living Room Solutions

Preserve Your View and Shield Your Furnishings

In your living room, the view is often the focal point. Yet, along with that picturesque view often comes intense sunlight. It's crucial to invest in light-filtering window treatments that can shield your furnishings and artwork from the harmful effects of UV rays. If you aim to strike a balance between UV protection and enjoying the outdoor scenery, consider our range of products crafted from sheer materials, including:

These window treatments offer the flexibility to fine-tune your preferred levels of natural light and privacy.

Assess Your Room Darkening Requirements

When outfitting your living room, especially if it houses an entertainment center, it's important to prioritize window treatments with built-in glare control or room darkening capabilities. While all window treatments offer some degree of light management, certain options excel in providing superior room darkening advantages.

One of the critical factors to weigh is the type and hue of the fabric. Sheer fabrics tend to gently filter and diffuse sunlight, whereas semi-opaque and opaque variations offer near-complete light obstruction.

For those seeking additional room darkening flexibility, a liner can be a valuable addition. It can be seamlessly integrated with the primary fabric, or for maximum versatility, it can operate independently.

Automated Convenience

Elevate your living room's ambiance with the seamless convenience of automated window treatments. These smart solutions offer precise control at your fingertips, effortlessly adjusting the balance between natural light and privacy. With an array of fabric options, colors, and styles, they seamlessly blend with your interior decor while keeping the room cozy and glare-free. Enjoy enhanced energy efficiency, as these automated treatments adapt to the changing daylight, ensuring a comfortable and eco-friendly living space.

Elevate Your Style with Variety

Your personal decorating style plays a crucial role in your choice. Whether your interior design leans towards a blend of modernity with options like Roman and natural woven shades, or embodies a timeless classic charm with drapery and top treatments, our extensive range of window treatments seamlessly harmonizes with any decor preference you may have.

Room Solutions

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